Grand Hotel Pressburg **** Bratislava
9. IT & Telco Conference
PROGRAM - IT & Telco Conference 2016
8:00 - 8:40 REGISTRATION of participants - Grand Hotel Pressburg **** Bratislava
1. Future of Telco & Big Data / 09:00 -12:00 in the HALL no.1
9:00 - 9:05 Opening of the conference
IT & Telco Intro - Digitálna transformácia
Panel Discussion: Big Data as a competitive advantage
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee Break
Network Performance Monitoring & Diagnostic
COrvus: Smartphone for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Storage and servers Abacus 2016
Moderator of the part Future of Telco & Big Data
12:00 - 13:00 LUNCH
2. Using of data in marketing / 13:00 - 15:30 in the HALL no.1
Panel Discussion: Data Monetization
14:00 - 14:30 Coffee Break
How monetize data from the app completely different than you originally thought
External big data monetization and it's bright future - a case study from Slovak Telekom and Orange
Moderator of part Using of data in marketing
3. IoT & wearables bring new potential / 13:00 - 15:15 in the HALL no.2
Case study: IoT and Luxury Goods & Jewelry
Panel Discussion: What can IoT (Internet of Things) bring
14:30 - 15:15 Networking
Moderator of the part IoT & wearables
Koprda [SK]
Koprda [SK]
Lacko [SK]
Miroslav Koseček
9:20 to 10:15
Panel Discussion: Big Data as a competitive advantage
Over the ability to obtain data is the ability to process them so that they were able to bring us a competitive advantage, in real time.
Filip Vítek
9:20 to 10:15
Panel Discussion: Big Data as a competitive advantage
Over the ability to obtain data is the ability to process them so that they were able to bring us a competitive advantage, in real time.
Roman Čupka
9:20 to 10:15
Panel Discussion: Big Data as a competitive advantage
Over the ability to obtain data is the ability to process them so that they were able to bring us a competitive advantage, in real time.
Ing. Peter Vilem
9:20 to 10:15
Panel Discussion: Big Data as a competitive advantage
Over the ability to obtain data is the ability to process them so that they were able to bring us a competitive advantage, in real time.
Ing. Ľuboš Koprda
9:05 to 9:20
IT & Telco Intro - Digitálna transformácia
Roman Čupka
10:45 to 11:05
Network Performance Monitoring & Diagnostic
Roman will present several use cases on the possibility of monitoring of network services, their analysis in terms of performance, and security, and shows how global independent network traffic monitoring is able to analyze performance of used applications.
Stanislav Sokol, Sokol
11:10 to 11:30
COrvus: Smartphone for the Blind and Visually Impaired
The quality of life for people with disabilities is currently dependent on the use of technology. Corvus is a set of apps, which effectively made available touch phones with Android OS for blind and low-vision users. It offers an innovative way to interact visually impaired user with touch device.
Ján Petrák
11:35 to 11:55
Storage and servers Abacus 2016
Ján shows several storage solutions for a variety of scenarios for the exploitation. He will also devote to two nodes cluster virtualization. You will find in his lecture also information about using SSD dics.
Ing. Ľuboš Koprda
Moderator of the part Future of Telco & Big Data
Jan Janča
13:05 to 14:00
Panel Discussion: Data Monetization
Discussion about the possibilities of monetization detailed information about customers, their movements, activities, etc.
Miroslav Milán
13:05 to 14:00
Panel Discussion: Data Monetization
Discussion about the possibilities of monetization detailed information about customers, their movements, activities, etc.
Michal Vodička
13:05 to 14:00
Panel Discussion: Data Monetization
Discussion about the possibilities of monetization detailed information about customers, their movements, activities, etc.
Zuzana Belková
14:30 to 14:50
How monetize data from the app completely different than you originally thought
Zuzana will tell us in the Divano Story what data are collected for the application, and how they utilize them for monetization. Divano App is timing contributions to the ad breaks on the second screen and Divano Sync, technology to synchronize the TV spots with online campaigns.
Martin Záhumenský
14:55 to 15:15
External big data monetization and it's bright future - a case study from Slovak Telekom and Orange
Operátori sú si dávno vedomí, že ich dáta majú vysokú potenciálnu hodnotu. Odomykanie tejto hodnoty prebieha veľmi pomaly napriek rozsiahlym možnostiam na aplikáciu týchto dát. Ukážeme si príklad ako sa prakticky dá pristúpiť k dátovej monetizácii, a aké ďalšie možnosti na tomto poli existujú..
Branislav Kohl.
Moderator of part Using of data in marketing
Marcell Kovács
13:05 to 13:25
Case study: IoT and Luxury Goods & Jewelry
Ján Masaryk
13:30 to 14:25
Panel Discussion: What can IoT (Internet of Things) bring
IoT communications can move beyond conventional boundaries - even devices such as refrigerators, vending machines or containers through intelligent modules communicate. This opens the way for information sharing, collaboration and new business opportunities.
Jiří Laznička
13:30 to 14:25
Panel Discussion: What can IoT (Internet of Things) bring
IoT communications can move beyond conventional boundaries - even devices such as refrigerators, vending machines or containers through intelligent modules communicate. This opens the way for information sharing, collaboration and new business opportunities.
Tomáš Zaťko
13:30 to 14:25
Panel Discussion: What can IoT (Internet of Things) bring
IoT communications can move beyond conventional boundaries - even devices such as refrigerators, vending machines or containers through intelligent modules communicate. This opens the way for information sharing, collaboration and new business opportunities.
Mgr. Stanislav Lacko
Moderator of the part IoT & wearables
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