Hotel TATRA Bratislava
16. Marketing that Sells
PROGRAM - Marketing that sells 2017
8:30 - 9:15 REGISTRATION of participants - Congress spaces, Hotel Tatra **** Bratislava
1. Block: Focused on Customer / 09:30 – 12:00 / Hall no. 1
9:30 - 9:35 Opening of the Conference
The next level of customer experience
Smart content: how to create 21st century content
10:30 - 10:55 Coffee Break
Creativity works. Or why mediocre advertising has to die
The horrible side-effects of putting your customers first
Moderator of the part FOCUSED on Customer
Workshop: BODY language in BUSINESS
12:00 - 13:00 LUNCH - Restaurant
2. Block: Branding and loyalty / 13:00 – 15:15 / Hall no. 1
Customer care - Marketing that creates loyalty
Turn your company's anniversary into a meaningful tool by diving into social topic
14:35 - 14:50 Networking / Coffee Break
Moderator of the part BRANDING and Loyalty
3. Block: Business to Customer (B2C) marketing / 13:00 – 15:00 / Hall no. 2
How to prove the ROI of Marketing
New customers and changing brands?
How to know the changing customer expectations and correctly estimate the future?
Advertising and marketing in music
Moderator of the part B2C marketing
4. Block: Business to Business (B2B) marketing / 13:00 – 15:00 / Hall no. 3
13:05 - 13:25 Networking / Coffee Break
Be needed for your customer
Diversity of E-marketing Strategies in China
Do you know the right questions to identify the cultural context of your B2B partner?
Moderator of the part B2B marketing
Completion of professional program and raffle in the hall no. 1
Stehlíková [SK]
Čech [SK]
Zeman [Great Britain]
Gáboríková [SK]
Sochora [CZ]
Moder [Italy]
Didák [SK]
Mareček [SK]
Vyšinský [SK]
de Maagt [Belgium]
Hrivnák [SK]
Tóth [SK]
Očenáš [SK]
Schochmann [SK]
Yang [China]
Zubo [SK]
Cintavý [SK]
Balaščíková [SK]
Prievozníková [SK]
Monika Stehlíková
Workshop: BODY language in BUSINESS
Fast course of genius how to read the speech of your business partner's body. You will also learn how to cultivate your own speech to make you more confident & more convincing. Destroy the myth of the uniqueness of the interpretation of open & closed attitude. Discover what you can do for yourself.
Jakub Čech
13:35 to 14:00
This is no movie blockbuster. In 10 years, recent generation of young people will generate most of your revenue. Of course, only when you allow them to fall in love with your brand. How to establish contact with generation „Z“ and raise them into loyal customers desiring a brand?
Martin Zeman
13:05 to 13:30
How to prove the ROI of Marketing
Today a large part of the buying process is self directed. This indicates high importance of Marketing, yet many Marketers still struggle to demonstrate their value and ROI of their activities to their CEOs and FDs. This talk is about how Marketers could change this.
Michal Kišša
13:35 to 13:55
New customers and changing brands?
How do customers change and what does it mean for brands? Is it important for customers how brands behave in society and if they are truly responsible? Will companies need to change or is the change already happening?
Eva Gáboríková
14:30 to 14:55
Do you know the right questions to identify the cultural context of your B2B partner?
Culture challenges the fundamental marketing strategies, customer relations, definition of products, prices and advertisements. Everyone has already heard about it but only few know how to implement it.
Petr Sochora
Moderator of the part B2B marketing
Pepe Moder
9:35 to 10:00
The next level of customer experience
In a world where digital is challenging every business, customers are rapidly changing their habits and purchase behaviors. Traditional business rules aren´t applicable anymore & companies must face the competition of agile startups & digital companies. How to address the new digital customer needs?
Marek Didák
10:05 to 10:25
Smart content: how to create 21st century content
The Internet and its users' behavior evolve literally from day to day. Why is the approach of most brands to create content over ten years ago? Let's take a look at some tips on how to create content that works today.
Richard Mareček
11:00 to 11:25
Creativity works. Or why mediocre advertising has to die
Advertising is more affordable than ever thanks to technologies. This results in an information overflow that people try to block or ignore. If you don’t want to throw your money away, your advertising has to be interesting, memorable, and it has to drive emotional response.
Michal Vyšinský
11:00 to 11:25
Creativity works. Or why mediocre advertising has to die
Advertising is more affordable than ever thanks to technologies. This results in an information overflow that people try to block or ignore. If you don’t want to throw your money away, your advertising has to be interesting, memorable, and it has to drive emotional response.
Polle de Maagt
11:30 to 11:55
The horrible side-effects of putting your customers first
People are talking about customer centricity. About putting customer first. About bringing the customer into the boardroom. How do you do that? Are companies really ready for this? Polle explores based on his experience with Nike, Starbucks, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines & IKEA some good & bad practices.
Jaroslav Hrivnák
13:05 to 13:30
Customer care - Marketing that creates loyalty
You will learn what tools are used by customer service to gain customer loyalty - to their smile and satisfaction. How to get closer to the customer? Humanity vs. Rules.
How to keep proper customer service team in order to limit the turnover?
Igor Tóth
14:05 to 14:30
Turn your company's anniversary into a meaningful tool by diving into social topic
Case study on how O2 made Slovakia a better place and gave away free mobile data on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. What worked, what did not and whether a brand should get out of its comfort zone and plays a role in a social environment.
Miroslav Očenáš
14:00 to 14:25
How to know the changing customer expectations and correctly estimate the future?
When do you decide to make a change & how big? How did we proceed to rebranding the eshop of kvety.sk in the field of product, system & marketing so that we don´t lose the customer & get a new one? The real pitfalls of setting a marketing strategy with respect to customer behavior & segmentation.
Filip Schochmann
13:30 to 13:55
Be needed for your customer
Shopping decision in B2B is not subject to emotions but rational considerations. Therefore, the customer always asks, "Do I need to make this purchase?" If you want to sell, your answer must be: "Yes."
Liu Yang
14:00 to 14:25
Diversity of E-marketing Strategies in China
You will find out how actually e-Marketing should be done and with more strategies of e-marketing in China. E-marketing is the most effective way of promoting any business with minimum cost and maximum reach to target customer. You can enjoy with great examples from practice!
Ivan Zubo
14:30 to 14:55
Advertising and marketing in music
In the lecture Ivan will focus on social networks, advertising and music. How to get music into awareness? You will also learn how music affects the ad and vice versa.
Stanislav Cintavý
Moderator of the part FOCUSED on Customer
Alica Balaščíková
Moderator of the part BRANDING and Loyalty
Viera Prievozníková
Moderator of the part B2C marketing
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