Hotel TATRA Bratislava
17. Marketing that Sells
PROGRAM - Marketing That Sells 2018
8:30 - 9:15 REGISTRATION of participants - congress hall, Hotel Tatra **** Bratislava
1. Session: Focused on consumer | 09:30 – 12:35 in conference hall 1
9:30 - 9:40 Opening of the conference
How to align your employer brand with recruiting campaigns?
Big data potencial for marketing and communication
Hollywood AI
10:55 - 11:15 COFFEE BREAK
PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA: Prekonávanie predsudkov zákazníkov k značke
MarTech a aplikácie pre Customer Experience
12:35 - 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
Moderátorka bloku Zaostrené na zákazníka
2. Session: Branding & loyalty | 13:30 – 15:50 in conference hall 1
Efficiency of branding formats
Effective marketing: between economy and culture
When the brand is re-positioned: Postova banka (case study)
14:45 - 15:05 COFFEE BREAK
How to Avoid Huge Ships
Brand interconnected with the personality
Moderátorka bloku BRANDING a lojalita
3. Session: Business to Customer (B2C) marketing | 13:30 – 15:45 in conference hall 2
Conversional marketing, new digital reality
Your attribution's wrong! Is there a better one?
14:40 - 15:00 COFFEE BREAK
How can marketing automatization benefit your business?
Zachyť spotrebiteľa na všetkých jeho kanáloch – ako predávať 4 veci naraz
Moderátor bloku B2C marketing
4. Session: Business to Business (B2B) marketing | 13:00 – 15:50 in conference hall 3
B2B marketing pre complex technical solutions
Natíve advertising
DIRECT VAN SALE – priamy ambulantný predaj
14:45 - 15:05 COFFEE BREAK
Back to the roots
Prejudices and myths in online marketing for B2B
16:00 - 16:10 Drawing of raffle with interesting prices in conference hall 1 and ending of the conference
Moderátor bloku B2B marketing
Kancheva [Bulhrasko]
Gavuliak [SK]
Kancheva [Bulhrasko]
Cvrkal [SK]
Lašová [SK]
Štraus [SK]
Bezák [SK]
Lupták [SK]
Mikle [SK]
Hoosová [SK]
Mištíková [SK]
Balaščíková [SK]
Frank [SK]
Turza [SK]
Khúla [SK]
Šiklar [CZ]
Zámečník [SK]
Minár [SK]
Wenderlová [SK]
Bercel [SK]
Kičikoleva [SK]
Bocheva [Ukrajina]
Rejlek [CZ]
Šimkovič [SK]
Ondroušek [SK]
Zajac [SK]
Talárovič [SK]
Zarena Kancheva
Conversional marketing. The new digital reality.
Roman Gavuliak
10:30 to 10:50
Hollywood AI
Operam optimizes online for the biggest Hollywood studios. We've launched 100+ titles from art movies through Oscars (Moonlight) up to blockbusters (Deadpool 2). Our challenges include promoting movies before release or processing ten thousands of comments to improve segmentation and creative.
Zarena Kancheva
13:30 to 14:00
Conversional marketing, new digital reality
The new mobile, fast-speed communication world requires different marketing strategies, that can instantly attract but also keep the attention of the user. Viber, one of leading communication apps, enabling brands and businesses to rediscover personal communication as a core necessity for success.
Milan Cvrkal
12:10 to 12:30
MarTech a aplikácie pre Customer Experience
Technological companies are constantly presenting lean visions and revolution in marketing technologies. But what is realistic with today's applications? With CX applications, you can deliver a unified and unique customer experience from marketing to sales to customer service.
Anna Lašová
13:55 to 14:15
Natíve advertising
"Bekim’ s appetite" communication campaign successfully combines portal content creation with native advertising. It proves that in-feed advertising based on interesting content and a strong influencer has a positive impact both on traffic and user loyalty.
Martin Štraus
15:05 to 15:25
Back to the roots
Influencers, digital, social, millennials... What´s good for brands? Following trends or making a good marketing? What is actually good marketing that helps increase sales?
Tomáš Bezák
11:15 to 12:05
PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA: Prekonávanie predsudkov zákazníkov k značke
Ronald Lupták
11:15 to 12:05
PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA: Prekonávanie predsudkov zákazníkov k značke
Marek Mikle
11:15 to 12:05
PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA: Prekonávanie predsudkov zákazníkov k značke
Jana Hoosová
11:15 to 12:05
PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA: Prekonávanie predsudkov zákazníkov k značke
Simona Mištíková
Moderátorka bloku Zaostrené na zákazníka
Alica Balaščíková
Moderátorka bloku BRANDING a lojalita
Juraj Frank
Moderátor bloku B2C marketing
Miroslav Turza
Moderátor bloku B2B marketing
Anton Khúla
9:40 to 10:00
How to align your employer brand with recruiting campaigns?
How can knowledge of EVP (employee value proposition) help you with creating of strong employer brand? How do recruiters entice new candidates to choose their company over competition? Profesia brings you few interesting examples how to create successful recruitment campaign.
Jiří Šiklar
10:05 to 10:25
Big data potencial for marketing and communication
The current trend is in digital, online and mobile solutions. Digitization takes place in every area of our life and companies that prefer traditional ways loosing relevance. Why is this and what is it to focus on? Let's speak digital!
Marek Zámečník
13:30 to 13:50
Efficiency of branding formats
Evaluating the effectiveness of carried out campaigns should be a matter of course for each campaign. Posttest campaigns can now be performed in more sophisticated ways and the development of such tools is an every day challenge for us - and we do love challenges...
Pavol Minár
13:55 to 14:15
Effective marketing: between economy and culture
4th Industrial Revolution requires a new approach to marketing. In addition to its economic relevance, it has to perceive culture, its values and its codes. Effective marketing today must not only reflect and reflect, but also influence it.
Silvia Wenderlová
14:20 to 14:40
When the brand is re-positioned: Postova banka (case study)
At the beginning of the last year, Postova banka changed its logo and communication and decided to make the biggest changes in its history. The new approach brought remarkable results. You will see the backstage of this process - how to do successful rebranding and repositioning in Slovak conditions
Ľubomír Bercel
15:05 to 15:25
How to Avoid Huge Ships
The book How to avoid huge ships, with its incredibly pragmatic name, has favored glory and hundreds of ironic reviews on Amazon. In today's marketing, we'd be more pragmatic and less irony. And what about ships and creativity?
Ivana Kičikoleva
15:30 to 15:50
Brand interconnected with the personality
How to create your own brand based on life experience? Do you create a logo using trends or what do you personally like? To what extent has a role psychology of color? You will learn the backstage of the SUPERfeel branding brand and the SUPERladies community.
Mariia Bocheva
14:05 to 14:35
Your attribution's wrong! Is there a better one?
Everybody agrees that Last click is dead. But what are other tools available out there in the market that can help marketer evaluate the efficieny of their efforts? During the speech we'll go though the different models starting with the most basic ones and ending up with the geeky approaches.
Vladimír Rejlek
15:00 to 15:20
How can marketing automatization benefit your business?
Is marketing automatization just another buzzword or is it really capable of influencing your business? We already know that B is right. During my lecture I will show you two real case studies that we have implemented for our clients Shell UK (ADOBE platform) and Fischer CZ (platform EXPONEA).
Kamil Šimkovič
15:25 to 15:45
Zachyť spotrebiteľa na všetkých jeho kanáloch – ako predávať 4 veci naraz
Whether you have a small or large advertising budget, the ultimate goal is to sell as much as possible. This talk will give you inspirational insights into how to use content marketing, influences, partnerships, online and off-line activities for the success of your products.
Lukáš Ondroušek
13:30 to 13:50
B2B marketing pre complex technical solutions
On Google we can find per second 10 case studies for large-scale marketing for carbonated drinks or smart phones. How to do the marketing for a production line for a luxury SUV body or a backup electrical supply to the entire hospital?
Igor Zajac
14:20 to 14:40
DIRECT VAN SALE – priamy ambulantný predaj
To be different with good quality brand is sometimes not adequate. A direct van sale together with quality brand creates ideal combination for fast growth of business.
Rastislav Talárovič
15:30 to 15:50
Prejudices and myths in online marketing for B2B
What do Slovak B2B companies mention as reasons of the online marketing absence in their business strategy? Let´s free our mind and have a pragmatic look on how to make a synergy between online marketing and your sales staff work.
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