NH GATE ONE Bratislava
11. Marketing that Sells!
Program Marketing that Sells! 2012
8:00 - 8:25 REGISTRÁCIA účastníkov
The WoW! Test - Communicate to your customers, contacts, colleageus and community with the revolutionary Graphic Demographics for all marketers and communicators.
Little money for a lot of music
Efficient measurement of the response of marketing activities
9:40 - 10:00 Coffee break
The best advertising saves while earning money. Have you such?
If everyone will save money, nobody will earn...
10:45 - 11:05 Coffee break
Effective Online Marketing for small and medium business
Ako dostanem myšlienku do online sveta a zarobím na nej?
Case studies are worthless - except this
12:15 - 13:00 OBED
Could be a "rag" marketing hero?
There's no marketing without balls
13:50 - 14:10 Coffee break
Slovakia is running
Selection of media agency and cooperation with agency
15:00 - 15:20 Coffee break
Panel discussion: „Can be creativity paid?"
Worshopy - Marketing that Sells! 2012
"Interactive marketing":
Pavel Holy
"Interactive marketing":
Do you want to learn how to relevantly and consistently communicate with your existing and potential customers? In this workshop we will show you solutions to automate your business direct marketing and optimizing marketing processes. We also will share with you the experience of realized implementations and we will answer to your specific questions about the benefits of a solution and its functionalities.
René Sion
14:40 to 15:00
How to entertain the customer and to sell?
Customer makes decision in point of purchase - Vending machine as a coffee grinder
Ondřej Roček
13:30 to 13:50
There's no marketing without balls
Kevin Thomson
8:30 to 8:50
The WoW! Test - Communicate to your customers, contacts, colleageus and community with the revolutionary Graphic Demographics for all marketers and communicators.
Find the visual and verbal language of the WoW! Tribes. How? Through The WoW! Psycolorgy Test, the way to determine to which tribe they really belong to.
Kevin will launch The WoW! Test - a revolutionary personality profiling concept that brings together words, colours, design and art in one easy, simple, fun and powerful tool for communication, marketing and branding. Kevin will demonstrate that to 'connect' is the No. 1 of 'Ways of Wellbeing' (WoW!) that is critical for us all - at work, at home; with our colleagues, customers and in the community.The WoW! Factor uses Graphic Demographics which shows everyone a way to understandhow to communicate, market and brand what we say and do with all our content to all our communities.
Vladimír Behún
15:25 to 16:30
Panel discussion: „Can be creativity paid?"
How is it evaluated? Evaluate the results of the agency? How?
Bohdan Fedor
15:25 to 16:30
Panel discussion: „Can be creativity paid?"
How is it evaluated? Evaluate the results of the agency? How?
Ing. Ivana Orviská
15:25 to 16:30
Panel discussion: „Can be creativity paid?"
How is it evaluated? Evaluate the results of the agency? How?
Milan Dubec
15:25 to 16:30
Panel discussion: „Can be creativity paid?"
How is it evaluated? Evaluate the results of the agency? How?
Branislav Kohl
15:25 to 16:30
Panel discussion: „Can be creativity paid?"
How is it evaluated? Evaluate the results of the agency? How?
David Března
8:55 to 9:15
Little money for a lot of music
Pavol Ivanecký
8:55 to 9:15
Little money for a lot of music
Jakub Malý
9:20 to 9:40
Efficient measurement of the response of marketing activities
How should look segmentation comprehensive approach towards effective utilization of the market? Why and how it is useful to evaluate the segmented communication?
Martin Urbaník
10:00 to 10:20
The best advertising saves while earning money. Have you such?
Test the effectiveness of advertising and ROI resources invested in it.
Petr Volny
10:25 to 10:45
If everyone will save money, nobody will earn...
How to effectively spend money on advertising. How effectively sell advertising space.
Róbert Slezák
10:25 to 10:45
If everyone will save money, nobody will earn...
How to effectively spend money on advertising. How effectively sell advertising space.
Marek Blizco
11:05 to 11:25
Effective Online Marketing for small and medium business
Trends and practical examples and tips on online marketing for small business segment.
Peter Bolebruch
11:30 to 11:50
Ako dostanem myšlienku do online sveta a zarobím na nej?
We were fortunate that we were able to help several companies to transfer their ideas into real projects in online world. We'll show you how we assisted in the "births" of successful Slovak startups.
Marek Prchal
11:55 to 12:15
Case studies are worthless - except this
Mark originally wanted to say that the case studies are worthless. It is not possible to repeat the same thing. But in the meantime, he succeeded one of his most important case studies. So he will mainly talk about it. It is about the biggest change in public traffic in Prague for 25 years, to inform about this by humorous campaign "Always it goes elsewhere!" and even open Facebook, where people write what they do not like it? Changed lines, some canceled, some new, changed stops - can you imagine what were the first reactions of people? What does to do? Otherwise, if you would be interested in it, the first working day of full operation of public transport in Prague was actually extremely calm.
Michal Navrátil
13:05 to 13:25
Could be a "rag" marketing hero?
What will happen if a premium clothing brand as a main product offering in discount an ordinary "rag" for cleaning? It's originality, marketing rope-walking, symbol of defiance or desperation? Who has been entertained, who has crunched the teeth, and who had earned at that?
Jerguš Holéczy
14:15 to 14:35
Slovakia is running
Running events - the concept of communication for running - Nike in Slovakia
Martin Markovič
14:40 to 15:00
Selection of media agency and cooperation with agency
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