Hotel TATRA Bratislava
11. IT & Telco Conference
PROGRAM - IT & Telco Conference 2018
8:00 - 8:45 REGISTRATION of participants - Congress spaces, Hotel Tatra **** Bratislava
9:00 - 9:10 Opening of the Conference
1st Part: Future of IT & Telco
PANEL DISCUSSION: If technology is effective and when does it become an ineffective and expensive addition?
Industry 4.0 outlook
10:45 - 11:05 Coffee Break
Case study: How to shoot a new (disruptive) silver bullet through the corporate culture?
How to get extra revenue with ideal Push To Talk solution for your B2B clients ?
12:00 - 13:00 LUNCH
Case study: DATA IN MOVEMENT - 1000 cars send information online
E-Mail communication according to GDPR rules
Moderator of the part Future of IT & Telco
2nd Part: Industrial IoT
Importance of IIoT in industry
Business and Technical Overview of Industrial IOT case studies
14:50 - 15:05 Coffee Break
Why IQRF®?
PANEL DISCUSSION: The Future of Industrial IoT
Moderator of the part Industrial IoT
16:00 Closing of the conference and raffle
Hruška [CZ]
Cimbaľák [SK]
Pulkert [CZ]
Gonzalez Yepes [Španielsko]
Pulkert [CZ]
Labudová [SK]
Vodička [SK]
Simonics [SK]
Gombárik [SK]
Pollák [SK]
Doutnáč [CZ]
Anciaux [Belgium]
Pollák [SK]
Anciaux [Belgium]
Doutnáč [CZ]
Zlatňanský [SK]
Jan Hruška
9:10 to 10:10
PANEL DISCUSSION: If technology is effective and when does it become an ineffective and expensive addition?
Alexander Cimbaľák
9:10 to 10:10
PANEL DISCUSSION: If technology is effective and when does it become an ineffective and expensive addition?
Dalibor Pulkert
9:10 to 10:10
PANEL DISCUSSION: If technology is effective and when does it become an ineffective and expensive addition?
Juan Gonzalez Yepes
10:15 to 10:40
Industry 4.0 outlook
T-Systems provides an E2E approach to support digital transformation processes in the industry: from sensors & the connectivity required to put the collected date in the cloud, data analysis & the required integrations with business support systems to finally go to new applications.
Dalibor Pulkert
11:05 to 11:30
Case study: How to shoot a new (disruptive) silver bullet through the corporate culture?
Česká spořitelna is developing a new product for Fintech partnerst with a world-wide potencial. Outboxers are verifying ideas on the market & seeking the right value proposition. They are creating together a concrete prototype with real User experience & than test it by-sales in different cities.
Paulína Labudová
11:35 to 11:55
How to get extra revenue with ideal Push To Talk solution for your B2B clients ?
In the lecture we will highlight the very popular Push To Talk technology, whose market demands are growing. Based on a market analysis, we will explain how partners in the telecom segment can increase their revenue. We will give examples of real projects.
Michal Vodička
13:05 to 13:25
Case study: DATA IN MOVEMENT - 1000 cars send information online
The integration of the "IT world " with all kind systems is becoming commonplace. Economic, logistics and information systems can work together to save time, work and finance in each business. The system integrator can combine all systems and data.
Henrich Simonics
13:30 to 13:50
E-Mail communication according to GDPR rules
One of the first and most used solutions for data transmission of IT systems is the e-mail. In the open network, confidential emails can also be accessed by others. Just think about, how much information, data, we send every day by e-mail! The solution can be simple, the encryption of emails.
Ondrej Gombárik
Moderator of the part Future of IT & Telco
Martin Pollák
15:30 to 16:20
PANEL DISCUSSION: The Future of Industrial IoT
Petr Doutnáč
15:30 to 16:20
PANEL DISCUSSION: The Future of Industrial IoT
Lionel Anciaux
15:30 to 16:20
PANEL DISCUSSION: The Future of Industrial IoT
Martin Pollák
13:55 to 14:15
Importance of IIoT in industry
You will learn about the basic principles of IIoT implementation in manufacturing companies & what tools you have available today for the comprehensive implementation of IIoT. On specific examples we will describe you the IoT challenges, their solutions & benefits in the field of industry, telecom..
Lionel Anciaux
14:20 to 14:45
Business and Technical Overview of Industrial IOT case studies
Based on the description of several case studies where IOT technologies have been deployed, we will analyse various Return on Investment models for IOT projects, compare several IOT networks options, cover typical IOT sensors used in those projects etc.
Petr Doutnáč
15:05 to 15:25
Why IQRF®?
IQRF® Technology, reasons for it’s uniqueness and where it can be, and was, applied.
Jakub Zlatňanský
Moderator of the part Industrial IoT
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